I was planning on writing this article for quite some time now.
I was feeling regretful and couldn’t get rid of it.
Finally, when I read Alper Görmüş’s book “Ergenekon Gazeteciliği” (Ergenekon Journalism) and the chat in the daily Taraf, I decided to share with you my experience in this matter.
In short, Görmüş says, “The central media has always supported coups and played a key role in the realization of February 28. Virtually they have acted in accordance with the pro-coup factors in their genes.” (...)
I was very sad.
The scene of desolation as the Monument to Humanity in Turkey’s eastern province of Kars waited for its head to be cut off made me very sad.
I compared it to an inmate being sent to death knowing that first his head will be cut off and then his body torn to pieces.
And what’s more is that this inmate had no guilt at all.
You may or may not like this monument in Kars.
You may, just like Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, call it a “freak.”
But I am curious about the (...)
Tomorrow the Feast of the Sacrifice begins. We will embrace each other for four days. Those who are on bad terms will make peace and kiss the hand of the elders.
I will be abroad for the whole time. But we’ll meet again next week. I already wish all my readers a happy and healthy bayram.
The great change since Feb 28
I’m sure you have noticed already. Turkey really changes its shell and changes fast. I wrote this column to remind you of one thing. Think about the period of (...)
Extremely interesting winds are blowing through the public opinion.
When examining articles and speeches of writers who have supported the Turkish Armed Forces all their lives and believe that they are the best part in the struggle against the Islamic threat, you’ll notice that the winds are changing.
The general impression is mainly along the lines of “destroying the AKP and the Fetullah Gülen community,” officially entitled “the plan for the struggle with the Islamic threat” (...)
I did not expect the “Returner Project” to encounter brisk reaction this fast. If, whoever prepared this scenario, either the PKK or DTP, would have perceived and evaluated messages coming from the public, especially on the second day, correctly, then this process would not have come to such a halt.
The responsible ones are the DTP and the PKK.
We might have been at a different point if they had not turned the event into a show and conducted a meeting on top of it.
If you (...)
Le processus de normalisation lancé par les gouvernements turc et arménien sera long, difficile et délicat à réaliser. Toutefois, les principaux opposants à ce rapprochement viennent de subir un revers cuisant.
C’est une signature en or qui a été apposée, le 10 octobre à Zurich, en bas du protocole entre Turcs et Arméniens. Croyez bien que nous ne saisissons pas encore toute l’importance et toute la dimension historique de cet événement. Nous nous perdons encore dans des discussions sans lendemain en (...)
The prime minister’s approach toward the opposition regarding the Kurdish initiative is slowly shaping. He moves away from the MHP at a fast pace. He protects the CHP. He winks at the DTP.
We don’t know how long this attitude will last. For, the prime minister’s behavior is moody and his reactions incalculable. One day he gives a helping hand and the other day he slams one down. For this reason, I will try to reflect today’s appearance the way I see it.
If you were to ask why (...)
The term « zenci » is used for those who are oppressed, despised, whose expectations and wishes are ignored. There are some segments in Turkey that see themselves as zencis. Some portions of Kurds, Alevi and the pious think they belong to this category.
Those who see themselves as zencis in the sense of religious expectations see Tayyip Erdoğan as the Obama. For, after his leading the government they no longer feel as zencis.
Praise be due, except for not entering universities or state (...)
Presque chaque jour, dans nos journaux et sur nos écrans de télévision, on nous raconte dans le menu détail les victoires de nos forces armées contre le PKK. Cependant nous oublions de dire que le plus important n’est pas de déloger ceux qui sont dans les montagnes mais de leur en empêcher l’accès. En agissant de cette manière, nous faisons naître un désenchantement dans l’opinion publique.
Je vais vous parler aujourd’hui de certaines réalités qui ne vont peut-être pas vous plaire. Avant de vous mettre (...)
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) attracts attention to itself with a very blatant feature now that it has become the government, and that is its failure to put an end to the defects in the administration of the party. Political parties all over the world have established decision-making procedures. At first, preparations are made by the related commissions before consulting with the organization. After having gone through all these steps, the matter at hand is sent up to the (...)
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