Actualité politique « sismique » en Turquie… Trois scandales mêlés de corruption et de pots-de-vin éclaboussent le gouvernement et rallument la guerre entre l’AKP et la Confrérie de Fethullah Gülen.
Avant-hier soir plusieurs personnalités ont été placées en garde à vue par le parquet d’Istanbul dans le cadre d’une triple enquête ouverte pour corruption, pots-de-vin, détournement d’argent et utilisation frauduleuse de fonds.
L’homme d’affaires irano-azéri de nationalité turque Reza Zarrab / Sarraf est (...)
The existence of the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) has become a risk factor for the Kurdish nationalist discourse since the international communities have taken a new approach against terror after September 11 2001. In order to elaborate how the PKK became a risk factor it is needed to be examined how the PKK managed to become the largest Kurdish nationalist organization.
Kurdish nationalist organizations were divided into at least 7 groups in 1970s and 1980s after the military (...)
What would happen if the Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power once again on July 23, 2007 ? It is the question that political observers have been trying find answer in last two months.
However, they have yet to find a satisfying answer. It seems that the unpredictability of the question is related with the recent political maneuvers of the military and the constitutional court, yet the profound reason behind the unpredictability is much deeper ; it is related with Turkey’s (...)
You are familiar with my Ankarapolgy analyses that deal with the issues of Ankara politics and security related tug of war. In one of the analyses, Ankarapology: A manual to understand what’s going on in Ankara, which appeared on this column more than a year ago, on May 23, 2006, the developments that are happening in these days, were predicted in most accurate form.
Let me bring the year old analysis to your attention first, then move on make further clarifications and predictions for (...)
Source : TNA, 09-02-2007
Finally, the Turkish media recognized the disinformation efforts of some media outlets. We only could say to them: Welcome, and what took you so long? As regular readers of this column may remember, we brought this issue to our readers’ attention as early as last July. We refer you to our column of July 19 continue with our analysis of why the disinformation and manipulation campaign against the police still continues.
First, since the late ’90s, the Turkish (...)
Source : TNA
Since the Hrant Dink assassination the media has demonstrated a deliberate effort to show the police as having some level of involvement in the murder. In fact, a media report revealed that police informant Erhan Tuncel had shared some information about a possible assassination with police, yet they failed to prevent it.
The media, rightly so, focuses on the “informant” connection and attempts to uncover a shadowy involvement by the police. This is a nice aspect of democracy: (...)
Source : The New Anatolian, 20-01-2007
The developments regarding Kirkuk are likely to shape Turkey’s domestic politics in the coming days. Western observers are skeptical about the prospects of a materialization of Turkish nationalist discourse on northern Iraq. In other words, despite the rhetoric, Western observers think that given the political reality on the ground, Turkey’s ability to interfere with the region should Kirkuk become a part of the regional Kurdish government following (...)
Zeyno Baran’s controversial commentary in Newsweek’s current issue brought up again the possibility of a military coup. She states that there is a 50-50 chance of a military coup in Turkey next year.
We were trying to uncover Baran. During our investigation, we received very interesting information as to whom Ms. Baran talked to last week. Our sources in Washington told us that during his visit, Turkish Deputy Chief of General Staff Ergin Saygun delivered a speech at a meeting closed to the (...)
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