Dernier ajout : 31 octobre 2007.
I began school when power was for the first time transferred in a peaceful way in Turkey, without bloodshed.
Published earlier this year during the electoral campaign hold in July, this “rope’s debate” based article is still relevant regarding the Turkish political context which led the country in the situation it is today on the verge of war. That’s the reason why TE decided to publish it today on its website.
So my generation is the same age as Turkey’s claim to the full establishment of (...)
Westerners watching reports on the increasing number of Turkey’s soldier fatalities expect Diyarbakır to be a place of tension and conflict. But daily life goes on in a calm atmosphere, despite the deep anxiety people express in nameless conversation.
An elderly Kurdish man sat outside of a café at the 1,400-year-old Great Mosque this week responding in Kurdish to a question about the latest clashes with the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) on the northern Iraqi border. “I do not know (...)
L’intervention en Irak va renforcer la volatilité à la bourse d’Istanbul. A terme, la maîtrise du renchérissement et le recul des taux parlent néanmoins en faveur de la Turquie, selon Fortis.
Alors que les bruits de bottes s’intensifient le long de la frontière turco-irakienne, la bourse d’Istanbul montre des signes de nervosité. Après avoir touché un plus haut à 58 232 points le 15 octobre dernier, l’indice des cent valeurs vedettes de la bourse turque est retombé lundi matin à 52094 points. En cours de (...)
During the three-and-a-half-day religious holiday between Oct. 11 and 14, 97 people died and 461 were injured as a result of traffic accidents in various cities across Turkey. This figure is much higher than the number of deaths that occurred in the first half of this year as a result of terrorist attacks perpetrated by the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) in the Kurdish-dominated Southeast.
According to information released on the Web site of the Turkish General Staff, 55 soldiers died in (...)
Juste au moment où les conflits politiques de l’année passée commençaient à se dissiper en Turquie, une nouvelle attaque meurtrière lancée par des séparatistes kurdes contre des soldats turcs a poussé le gouvernement à proférer des menaces d’attaques militaires au nord de l’Irak.
Ces éventuelles attaques comportent des risques pour la Turquie, pour l’Irak et pour les États-Unis. Pourtant, il y a des raisons de douter que la situation soit aussi dangereuse que les derniers gros titres des journaux le (...)
There has been yet another striking study made public on Turkey’s terror-stricken eastern and southeastern regions, once again revealing how the country was hijacked by a security-first approach rather than addressing the grievances of those areas.
Turkey earmarked one-third of its budget for fiscal year 2006 for security and defense expenditures for the eastern and the southeastern regions, according to a report prepared by economist Mustafa Sönmez titled “Increased Poverty in the East and (...)
La commission des affaires étrangères du Congrès américain a adopté, le 10 octobre 2007, par 27 voix contre 21, une résolution qualifiant de « génocide » le massacre des Arméniens commis, en 1915, sous l’Empire Ottoman. Dans le courant du mois de novembre, le texte devrait être présenté à la Chambre des représentants, en formation plénière, où, selon de nombreux observateurs, il a de fortes chances d’être adopté.
Le vote d’une telle résolution était redouté depuis plusieurs mois par une presse et des milieux (...)
It is true that Turkey has recently been suffering from its own mistakes on thorny foreign policy issues such as the Cyprus-related Turkish-Greek disputes and the Kurdish problem, as well as Armenian allegations of genocide. Turkey has missed several opportunities to turn those issues to its own benefit. But when we look at the flipside of the coin, it is also fair to say that Turkey’s interlocutors on the above-mentioned problems are also if not equally to blame.
On Cyprus, as senior (...)
Le premier ministre, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a engagé une vaste réforme de la Constitution. Celle en vigueur a été écrite dans la foulée du coup d’État de 1980 et légitime le pouvoir politique des militaires. La nécessité d’un nouveau texte fait la quasi-unanimité en Turquie.
En 2004, les féministes turques avaient remporté une victoire en convaincant le gouvernement d’amender la Constitution et d’y faire inscrire : « Les hommes et les femmes ont des droits égaux. L’État a la responsabilité d’assurer la mise (...)
Turkey started the week with pain and rage: Thirteen soldiers were killed. We rarely had so many losses in the fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and terror in its almost a quarter of a century long history.
The number of soldiers killed at once was scarcely high even in the 1990s where low-density war hit the roof. Many families soak in pain as young people of Turkey lose their lives here and there, bit by bit in land mine attacks. The families of the 13 soldiers (...)
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